Im Rausch

Traum vom 26.01.22

William Hogarth (1697-1764)

Die Räume waren voller Leben,
gesellig, Ausschank, Sang und Wein.
Sie tranken, hängten sich an jeden,
begrapschten Frauen, die allein.

Im Rausch der fortgeschritt’nen Stunde –
von „wohl erzogen“ weit entfernt,
nahm keiner Rücksicht in der Runde.
Als hätten sie es nur gelernt,

mit ‚platten‘ Witzen anzubandeln.
„Noch mal `ne Runde!“, schrie ein Schlauer.
Vom Alkohol befreites Handeln,
verkürzt die hohe Anstandsmauer.

Ich saß allein, als Träumerin,
beschaute eine lange Weile,
wohl des Geschehens Widersinn,
und nahm reiß aus alsdann in Eile.

Mein Geist verließ die üble Stätte
und suchte nach des Ausgangs Pforte.
Inmitten einer Menschenkette,
erreichte ich sie fern vom Orte.

„Ja, wissen sie denn nichts vom Mord,
der sich einst hier ereignet hat?“
Ich sah, wie blutig dieser Ort,
das Glas verschmiert von frischer Tat.

Der Boden, Blut durchtränkter Stein.
Die Meute schrie: „Lauf nicht hindurch!“,
mir war’s egal, ich wollte heim.
Mit großem Schritt trieb mich die Furcht.

Voll Ekel drückte ich die Klinke,
die Finger waren Blut befleckt –
so trat ich aus dem Bild, versinke
in meinem Bett, vom Alb erweckt.

Autor: Gisela

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11 Gedanken zu „Im Rausch“

    1. Thank you for your interest.
      On the subject of „blood“ there are many possible interpretations. In the dream I saw neither myself nor another person bleeding. I was looking for the exit from the house and came to this crime scene, which was smeared with blood. On the floor there was a real lake of blood. I did not want to enter, but I had to reach the blood-stained door. When I opened it, I smeared myself with blood.

      It is difficult to interpret this dream, because I have never had such an experience. Blood always means life force, but it could not have been my own, because I myself did not bleed. Judging from the dream image, another person had lost his life force. However, I did not feel any connection with this person.

      Having blood on one’s hands in a dream can refer to deep-seated guilt about a deed or in some area of life. The perpetrator in the dream was another person.

      Was I watching a crime movie on TV that was too bloody? I’m afraid I don’t know the answer.

      Kind regards, Gisela 🙏

      1. I also find it difficult to interpret because it is your dream and your symbols. However, The way the dream is structured shows a lesson. The murder took place in this place a while ago. Yet the blood is there. Indicates that the vibration of an act and of course of the thoughts remain in the place for a long time. People getting drunk, groping women etc. again being influenced by the vibrations of the place. You want to move out, but have to cross through the place. Hence the blood on your hands. It just means that the place and the company have distinct vibrations which affect even a non-actor who passes through. Hence the need for a spiritual cleansing after visiting such places. Once again this is just my interpretation of symbols. The last word has to be yours as these are your symbols. Hope it helps

        1. Thank you very much for your answer. I understand the meaning of spiritual purification after visiting such places. Only once I have visited such a site. Buchenwald concentration camp has remained in me as a feeling negative. Those sorrowful vibrations there ‚took the air out of me‘. That is why I could not stay there for long at that time. That was 20 years ago. Indirectly, as a German, I feel soiled by the blood of these people, although I belong to a different generation. I will only feel pure again when I go through the exit, back home.

          1. In the last week I had watched many documentaries from the time. Thank you very much, you helped me to clarify the dream.

  1. Was für ein Albtraum, liebe Gisela. Ein „like“ möchte ich lieber nicht geben. Du musst schrecklich gelitten haben. Vielleicht haben Schmerzen die grausigen Bilder ausgelöst? Ich wünsche Dir einen erholsamen Schlaf mit einem wunderbaren Traum. Ich umarme Dich, Elisa

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